2020 has been a transformative year for many of us. And it’s not even nearly over yet. Many of us have had to adapt, both personally and professionally, to a veritable tidal wave of circumstances beyond their control. Most of us have had to endure financial hardship to some extent. We’ve lost money, clients, work or even our jobs. Some of us were in relationships at the start of lockdown that have not been able to endure the months of separation and uncertainty. Worse still, some of us may have lost friends and relatives to the virus itself. We may have had to redefine ourselves in our work, our interactions with others and our interpersonal relationships. Heck, we’ve probably redefined our relationships with ourselves to some extent.

Whatever changes the year has wrought in your life, you can either resist or lean into it. Change can be scary, but it can also allow you to reinvent and redefine the parameters of “you.” Social distancing and local lockdowns may seem like harsh sanctions that impede your access to the support network you rely on, but it can also provide a chrysalis from which you can emerge as a beautiful butterfly. A new you that’s been tempered by your experiences and who is ready to rise to the challenges of an uncertain tomorrow.
And while change comes from within, it can be very affirming and empowering to enact change from without, too. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on a brand new wardrobe, get a major surgical procedure or dye your hair bright pink. It’s a case of making a few subtle, effective and affordable changes that will make you look and feel like an evolved version of yourself. Here are some changes that will see you turn heads and command the room, whether you’re heading out with friends or taking charge in the boardroom…
Throwing yourself into a new look, feet first!
When it comes to redefining your look, you may be tempted to start with your face and work your way downwards. But I’d argue that you might make a more effective transformation by going feet first. Your shoes have the power to change your whole outfit, and their impact cannot be underestimated. The shoes you wear can take an otherwise casual outfit to business class. Or they can make an otherwise modest outfit go fully glam! What’s more, the shoes you wear also transform your height and gait. They can make you feel taller, more confident and more formidable. Or they can bring comfort, calm and concentration. The right shoes matched with a conservative outfit can demonstrate that while you may be all business, you’re not without a sense of fun.
As you start to reinvent your look, take a look through your shoes and ask yourself what they say about you as a person. Is there any way in which they could be upcycled or changed to reflect the version of yourself that you want to be? If not, it may be time to consider replacing them.
Reframing your face with your hair and eyewear
You can’t change your face. And even if you could, why would you? Your face is beautiful! However, you can reinvent your look by reframing your face in new ways that help you to feel more confident in your fresh new appearance. There are a number of ways in which you can change the way your face is framed to make its shape subtly different and bring out new aspects of your personality. For instance, your eyewear can do a whole lot more than make you see better. Changing your frames can have a profound impact on the way your face shape is perceived. For instance, if you feel that your features are a little too harsh, square or aquiline, switching to oval shaped or round frames soften your features and make them appear more gentle. By the same token, if you feel that your face is too round and you want to add a little definition without reaching for your makeup palette, you might want to opt for rectangular lenses which push slightly outside the natural lines of your face.

You can also use your hair to your advantage here.
You subtly change the perception of your face with most hair lengths, but longer hair (or good extensions) affords you more options.
If, for instance, you want to take the edge off your square or a round face, you can elongate it by adding contour at your hair’s roots, using the “hidden volume” styling technique to add more lift to your hair. Alternatively, flattening the top of your hair and feathering at the sides can give extra dimension to a long face. If you have a heart shaped face, try feathering the hair that frames the lower half of your face in order to soften the jaw line.
Redefining your makeup
One of the most powerful ways in which you can reinvent your appearance is through your makeup. Your makeup gives you a wealth of opportunities to draw the eye to the most flattering parts of your face, while pulling attention away from areas you’re less happy with. And because there are so many ways to do this, you can always make flattering changes whenever you feel that it’s time to reinvent your look.
You don’t even necessarily need to spend a fortune on new palettes. It’s simply a case of re-evaluating your signature looks, getting out of bad habits and experimenting with new techniques. For instance;
- Instead of drawing an outline around your mouth with lip liner, sketch over the lip line using smaller strokes to create a plumping illusion.
- Go a shade or two lighter with your eyebrow powder and only fill in from the middle of the brow to the tail end for a more natural look.
- Use a light or neutral color on your eyelid. It can make them look much bigger.
Changing your wardrobe without changing your wardrobe
Finally, you may want to reinvent your look by redefining your wardrobe. You might want to make fashion choices that are bolder or more ethical. But don’t make the mistake of assuming that you have to invest in a whole new wardrobe to change your look. It’s simply a matter of finding new ways to wear familiar garments or trying different pieces in new combinations. Zero Waste advocate Bea Johnson, for instance, can make 50 outfits with just 15 items.
This was a collaborative post.