Today’s Friendship Friday shoutout goes to my good friend of 10 years Sara. Sara and I met 10 years ago at Western Kentucky University when we both decided to volunteer our time during our freshman orientation. We both chose the Girlscouts and the ladies who worked there were so excited to have our help. Perhaps they were too excited because they suggested we run a Girlscout troop. While it was fun, looking back it was probably less than ideal for a group of college freshmen who were just getting used to campus life. Nonetheless, this is how Sara and I became friends.
Now 10 years later, Sara is engaged to a wonderful man named Brandon and their wedding is set for early April 2016. I instantly liked Brandon when I met him. He’s just a good guy and incredibly easy-going. I could not be happier for the two of them. A few months ago, Sara asked me to be a bridesmaid. I of course accepted. While weddings are fabulous excuses to wear dress, being a bridesmaid gives you such a special role in your friend’s big day. Also, it’s a compliment to get asked to be in the wedding party. That means you’ve played an important role in the bride or groom’s life.

Tomorrow after a morning work meeting, I will drive up to Indianapolis to meet Sara and the other bridesmaids for bridesmaid dress shopping. So it just seemed fitting to write about Sara. I’m excited for both tomorrow, the upcoming festivities and the big day. Sara, I hope it’s all you’ve ever wanted for your wedding day. I’ll do whatever I can to make it amazing!
Sara, thank you for being such a good friend all these years. You’ve always been there to talk, laugh, eat dinner with in DUC, have drinks with and all the other things. I have so many good memories with you over the year. This photo above is from when I visited you in grad school in Indianapolis. We decided to spend the day at the Children’s Museum because it is indeed amazing.
I love how determined you are. You are such a hard worker. It was so fitting that you finished graduate school before any of us. You put 150% into everything. On your big day, I’ll be glad to be there to calm your nerves. I’m sure you’ll be worried about all the small details. Knowing you, however, I know all the things will be taken care of.
Sara, I’m going to leave you with this photo. It’s from that time a year ago that I visited you in Lexington. You were driving us to meet your friends and I decided to take ridiculous photos. Also, when looking for photos of the two of us, I could’t find much. We should have taken some this weekend, so this photo is in place. Were going to change that over this next year.
Love you and can’t wait to stand beside you at the alter this Spring!
Two more dress photos. One she chose and one I chose: