Hello all! So it is a lovely Friday night in for me! I started posting High Five for Friday posts before Christmas and just love it! This morning I was rather rushed and did not have the time to write a post. As I spend a lazy evening in tonight, I figured why not write one now? Better late than never. So here are five reasons why this week rocked!
1. Reiki
On Monday I had my very first reiki session with Tisa of Love Light & Laughter. This woman makes her very own holistic soaps, bath salts and other neat products. I currently have her new shaving soap, detox bath and a soap made with dragonsblood and activated charcoal. I’ve used all three products and they are fantastic.
Anyway, back to the reiki. Reiki is this really neat holistic treatment. I wrote all about he experience in my post here: My First Reiki Experience.
2. Photography and my walk in the park
After my reiki session, I decided to take some time to just be. I found a beautiful park just as it was getting dark. I put my phone in the love compartment so that I would be free of distraction. I also needed to work on my photography in the dark skills, so it was perfect. This photo is my favorite:
3. Surprises
I love helping plan surprises. In April, I’m going to be a bridesmaid in my friend Sara’s wedding. The shower was Saturday in Danville, Kentucky. Since her maid of honor lives in Denver, she assumed she wouldn’t be able to make it. She assumed wrong!
Friday night, I picked Katie up at the airport and she stayed with me. Saturday morning we drove down and surprised Sara at Cracker Barrel. The look on her face was the best. Full post about that is here: Hangers and Surprises. While we’re doing some shout outs, you all should check out Hang it Up Hangers, a business my friend Megan owns. She made me an amazing personalized dress hanger for Sara’s big day.

4. Sleeping in
I slept in on Sunday and Monday. It was amazing.
5. One of my favorite co-workers got a new job
So this one is sad, actually. This is Lindsey. I blogged about her eons ago (Lindsey’s dresses). This photo is from said story and also oddly the dress she wore on her last day at Su Casa today. I’m happy that she has a new job. It also seems like quite a step up, which is great. But I will miss her. There’s something so great about coworkers you just click with. I will miss her and whoever they hire to replace her will not be as cool.
Alright, that’s all folks. Here’s why I’m linking up with today: