Jena’s hand-made work

This week we’re popping in the closet of a woman who designs things. Jena Russo is the owner of Imbue, a local business that makes custom-designed dresses and jewelry. Her focus is on brides but she all welcomes women who want to add a little color and fun to their life. Also everything she makes is 100% vegan. Oddly enough, she’s said, there’s a strong vegan Instagram following that has brought new followers to her business. She herself is a committed vegan and loves that her business fits right in with her morals.

Jena studied fashion design at the University of Cincinnati’s school of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning. She started her business in 2013 as a place where brides could get unique and locally-made dresses. All of her dresses are not the typical white. The idea to name her business Imbue came from that idea.

“I was looking for a single word to sort of incapsulate what I was trying to do,” she said. “I wanted to inject a little more color and personality into the whole world of bridal wear. So the meaning of the word is to enliven, so I thought it seemed to fit.”

One of the dresses she made, in fact, is her own wedding dress. Here are a few shots of her modeling it for me:




Jena didn’t decide on dresses, however, until her last semester of college. It was at this time that she decided she wanted to put together a show for her final thesis project. The over-the-top fashion for the every-day person is bridal wear, so she decided that is where she wanted to focus. So for her project she made a collection of colorful bridal wear.

Over the course of the last two years, she fully designed 12-14 dresses. She also designs jewelry and hair pieces for brides. The accessories can be purchased on her website and the dresses are custom-made. So if you’re a bride who wants a unique dress, you can work with her to design the entire thing, start to finish. It’s the best way to ensure that no one else will have your dress!

She likes to think of her jewelry as “for the big day and everyday.” She thinks it’s neat that people can wear something that celebrates love as part of their everyday wear. Here are a few of her jewelry pieces:



Jena, like me, described herself as a dress nerd. So we had a little shoot in some of her other favorite dresses. It was neat for me to see how she weaved her accessories into her dresses.





This is what she calls her “power suit” of her dresses. It’s super comfy, she says.


Thanks to her husband for allowing his amp to be a prop in the shoot.

I urge you to go look at Imbue’s website. She also writes a blog all about fashion and her business on this site. It’s definitely worth checking out! Thanks Jena!

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Burr it’s cold outside

Hi L’BAE Nation you Beautiful, Blessed, People of God! Yes winter is upon us and the time for the dos and don’ts of hair and fashion are here! A few suggestions for our wardrobe as we start this cold season is to utilize our clothing in a multi- simplicity type of way. In other words, keep it simple using a variety of clothing you already wear! The clothes that you have been wearing before the temperature dropped can still be worn now that it is bitter cold. The only change is layers!

Layer it up!


That’s right! Layer up with a cute sweater, blazer, jean or leather jacket, leggings and boots to make that once short-sleeved mini dress a now ready for the new season outfit. Its fashion so it’s okay to mix and match. As a matter of fact this is the fun part about the winter season as it will always be a mystery as to what attire is under the coat. Keep people guessing as to what statement piece you will rock this week, or every day! Now isn’t that exciting?
Ok ladies now that we have our wardrobe together and will mix and match our pieces to create a whole new look for this winter season, we can’t forget about our hair! Yes our hair! During the cold months it is very important that you keep your hair conditioned in order to avoid split ends, dryness, flaky scalp, and breakage! Deep conditioners such as olive oil, coconut oil, or a more natural approach such as avocado mixed with mango and eggs works wonders for the hair. It promotes strength, shine and an incredible feel with added moisture to deplete the harsh damage that the cold air can bring.

Your skin and the cold

The cold air can also bring upon dryness to our face and skin. We as women cannot walk around with a dry appearance because that is not sexy! There are a number of moisturizing products for the skin and face. The best advice as everyone’s skin is different is to have a consultation with a beauty consultant such as a licensed esthetician in order to have your skin assessed and suggested the products that will work best for your skin type. As for women with less sensitive skin, the avocado is the facial scrub has an amazing moisturizing agent that leaves your face feeling awesome. Also cucumbers over the eyes also really does work! Try it!

A word about scarves


Another thing to take into consideration in regards to the cold, bitter air, and our hair and skin is the scarf materials that we wear. Some scarves are made from 100% wool, which can damage the hair as it continues to rub against the hair follicles. It can entangle and pull the hair out. It is best to switch up on your scarves and hats of this material to give your hair a breather. There are also some scarf materials that can cause ones face to break out into a rash from the perfumes and dyes. It is suggested to rub the scarf on the inside of the wrist once and wait five to ten minutes before purchasing to make sure that there is no allergic reactions to the scarfs materials. If by chance you have a favorite scarf that feels itchy, wear it on the outside of your coat therefore not touching your skin. These are just a few suggestions and tips for the burr cold winter season, from the L’BAE Inspiration and Lifestyle Blog. Stay warm and fabulous!

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My favorite Gwynnie Bee dress

Thanks to Gwynnie Bee, I’ve been enjoying dress deliveries all this month and part of December. The concept is simple: you create an account, put clothing they have for rent in your “closet” and wait for your shipment. They only ever send you items from your closet but do not send you a package unless you have at least six pieces or more to choose from in your closet. You have the option to buy what you cannot part with and return items you didn’t care too much for. After returning or buying, you simply await your next shipment.

I got five shipments this month. Except for one shipment that I sent back right away because I didn’t care much for either dress, I’ve spent a day wearing all the dresses sent to me. Oh yeah, and I only put dresses in my closet. We all know that’s because I can never have too many dresses in my life. But Gwynnie Bee also has pants, tops and skirts you can rent.

This deep teal dress was by far my favorite Gwynnie Bee dress of all. The instant I slipped it on, I felt comfortable. Furthermore the fabric is super unique. It looks fabulous with a little black belt and some black tights. My friend Hillary and I were going to meet up for dinner downtown. Hillary also takes photos. These are all her work. To see more of her work, go to

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

These next ones were captured in some cool lighting by the bathroom, of all places, at the 21C Hotel.

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Gwynnie Bee

Thanks Hillary for making me look fierce! Again, go check her out at Also the great thing about Gwynnie Bee is that with my code, you can enjoy your first month entirely free! Just click here to learn more.

Also today I’m linking up with:

Jersey Girl, Texan Heart Link Up

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H54F: Friday has arrived

Congrats to everyone reading this post. We have made it to Friday! For me, it has been a feat for sure. However through the tough things it’s still good to find the joys. Thus, I’ve still decided to write a High Five for Friday Post.

For those who do not know, High Five for Friday is a weekly blogger link up with Tif from Bright on a Budget, Della from Della Devoted, Katie from Cup of Tea and Caitlin from Coffee with Caitlin. Anyone with a blog is invited to join. After you finish reading about my five favorite things of the week, make sure you go check their blogs out!

1. Friends who can write and do my hair

Have you had a chance to check out my new contributing writer Ms. Pamela Pitts? First, I suggest you click here to read her first piece. She will be writing for A World of Dresses on Wednesdays. While this blog is mostly my voice, I love sharing the spotlight with other women who share my vision. Pamela is one of those women. We met several months back at the Contemporary Dance Theater’s PTA show. I was there just sitting in the audience to write about the show when I struck up a conversation with Pamela about her business L’BAE. She had put together a piece in the show that included some still models. After chatting for a bit, I learned that she had her own small business and radio show. As some of you may know, I feature female small business owners on Saturdays. It seemed perfect.

So I went on her radio show to talk about A World of Dresses and she was featured on the blog. You can read about it here. One day it just came to me: why not invite her to partner with me? Thus here we are. On Saturday I spent the afternoon at her beautiful home as she did my hair. Kudos to her for getting it to curl. My hair has trouble holding curls.


Photo cred: Hillary Cutter

2. Friends who shoot photos

My friend Hillary just moved back to Cincinnati from a three-year stint in New York City. She’s an amazing photographer and took these Saturday. I’m excited to see where this partnership will take us. Yay partnerships!





3. Retail therapy

Tuesday night I decided to take some me time and shop. I found a pair of boots I’m absolutely in love with at DSW. I also stocked up on a few makeup necessities at Ulta. The shoes are pictured in these photos. Thanks to my brother for taking these shots. It was roughly 9:30 p.m. but I was LOVING my outfit today. I just could not let the day pass without a few photos.

Friday Friday

The dress is from Shop Twenty Something, a lovely online boutique based in Lexington, Ky. I found it at the holiday market in downtown Cincinnati in December where they had set up a booth. I definitely suggest you click on their page and take a look around. The scarf is from my trip to Dubai in April.

4. High Style and the Cincinnati Art Museum

Before Hillary and I headed over to Pamela’s house, we made a stop at the Cincinnati Art Museum to view their current exhibit. It revolves around dresses and designers in different time periods. It “traces the evolution of fashion from 1900 through 1980 with garments and accessories by the most influential European and American designers of the 20th century” (quote taken from their website). Here are the photos I took. There were so many amazing dresses, so I decided to make two galleries of photos!

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[huge_it_slider id=”5″]

5. Tisa of Love, Light and Laughter: A Healing Studio

As mentioned before, I feature female small business owners on Saturdays. Tomorrow I’m featuring Tisa from Love, Light and Laughter: A Healing Studio. I met her at the Covington Bazaar at the beginning of December. She had her booth set up with all sorts of holistic soaps, scrubs, bath salts, oils and other goodies. On Sunday I went out to her studio for a chat and photo shoot. This woman is amazing. She broke both of her legs a year or two ago. While she was sitting around, she decided to take online courses in holistic healing arts. Things like reiki, Somaveda Thai yoga and hot stone massages. She also started making her own holistic products. As she continued making them, other people wanted them too and thus she decided it would be a profitable business. A year later she can fully walk again and she’s running her business. Here are just a few teasers. You’ll have to come back tomorrow to read about her business.



Thanks for reading guys! What made your week great? I’d love to hear. Feel free to tell me in the comment section below!


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Hillary, the lady (sometimes) behind the camera

Hillary is who I decided to feature this week. She’s an old friend who I met through friends a good seven years ago. It’s crazy how time flies! Since graduating college, she’s spent the last three or so years in New York City working as a photographer and stalking Lady Gaga in her free time. However she just moved back from New York and it has been a joy to have her around!

Hillary is an amazing photographer. In fact, as of recent she’s taken some photos for A World of Dresses. However this week, I wanted to feature the girl who’s always behind the camera. We all need our moment to shine? So this is just a small peek into the closet of Hillary. Here is what she chose as her three favorite dresses:


The story behind this one begins in high school. She originally bought it at Kismet, a local Cincinnati boutique, for her graduation party. Eight years later and the dress still looks fantastic! She said she has not been able to part with it and who could blame her? This is one of those classic dresses to hang onto for a while. Every woman needs a good sundress.



Hillary’s splurge dress

This next one was bought in New York at Anthropologie. She considers it her first big “splurge” purchase after she got her job. She saw it in the window for a month. Finally, she bought it on the sale rack. This is one that works for all seasons. In the winters all she has to do is pair it with a good sweater or jacket.


This is the only dress that strangers on the subway in New York would compliment her on. Getting strangers in the subway to talk is quite a feat. Also, I love these black boots!


The fancy dress

This is her newest dress. This past summer, she had a wedding to attend and looked everywhere all Spring for something to wear. Initially, she was hesitant about this dress because of the length. I’ll admit that I too was weary of maxi dresses when they first hit the scene. However when she tried it on, she said the colors looked even better than they did on the rack! She has since worn it on vacation in Puerto Rico too!



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L’BAE (Living Blessed and Empowered) Inspiration and Lifestyle Blog

Hello L’BAE Nation you Beautiful Blessed people of God! Yes this is how I will start my weekly blog as we are all blessed to be alive therefore we are all Living Blessed and Empowered …L’BAE that is! As a contributing writer for A World of Dresses, in my own words the L’BAE blog will bring to you highlights of today’s latest fashion trends, success stories and L’BAE moments that will inspire, captivate, and excite your heart. I pray that you find the L’BAE blog as exciting as I feel writing it! ‘Til the next time L’BAE All Day Everyday!


Entering the New Year in a Fashionable L’BAE Way!

As the New Year is upon us, how will you begin? The start of a New Year, a time to get things right, make changes and live your life in a new exciting way sounds like a plan! What better way to start off the year than with some new fashions for your wardrobe, a new hairstyle or maybe a makeover with a fresh new cosmetic line? (Check out the L’BAE Cosmetic line). Yes that’s right retail therapy! Fashion, hair, makeup, shoes, dresses and the list goes on, everything to make a young girl or woman smile from ear to ear with the enthusiasm that they are about to embark on a journey of never ending blissfulness that will change their inner feelings from daunting to daring! Yes Strike a Pose for 2016!


All the newness in the air as the New Year is upon us as we profess and proclaim what changes we are going to make to become better and bolder in our approach to life, although many of us haven’t a clue as to where to start or what to do to acquire ideas for something new. No worries as you can use the L’BAE blog as a guide of inspiration that will heighten your sense of enthusiasm as well as curiosity as you embrace the adventures of others who will share their lifestyle dos; don’ts and pictures of awakened creativity.

What if this is your first time and you really haven’t made any drastic changes to yourself or your life? Its ok the L’BAE consultants including myself are here to help. We are professional and put you as the client/customer first. Just log onto to the L’BAE website at, click contact and a L’BAE consultant will contact you soon to answer any questions that you may have.

It is certainly okay to change a few things about yourself in order to spark a little excitement in your life. As we enter into the New Year, a simple change to your color pallet could be a start. If you constantly wear red in your wardrobe, change your color to orange, yellow or even a print that will make a statement. If you’ve never been one to wear skirts or dresses, make this the year that you show those legs! Yes still keeping it sophisticated and professional but being a little flirty won’t hurt anyone! The change can be anything that you want whether it’s your wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup or even your career! Just do a quick analysis of yourself to figure out what about yourself you would like to change or enhance.

The key and most important thing is that you are happy with who you are, and with that being said get up, get motivated and get moving! Open up your closets, jewelry boxes, makeup bags and shoe racks, and clear your old things out to prepare for the new! This is going to be an exciting time, so get your journals ready to take notes on any and everything that ignites a spark into your creative imagery on becoming the best new you that you can be in 2016. We are all different. Everything may not appease everyone and this is okay as the world would be boring if everyone was the same. We as women have a world of dresses in our closets so relax and enjoy as you see the variations of women’s style in their fashion, hair, makeup and careers. Happy New Year 2016 L’BAE All Day Every day! I’m Pamela the Inspirationalist. Make it a L’BAE Day!

For More Information go+- to, or email me at

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Life with Lupus: things happening for a reason

This is a weekly column about living everyday life with lupus. It is written by Catherine Daniels.


Have you ever wanted to do something that would shape the way people think? Nothing ground breaking; just that something small but powerful. I have spent the entire course of my life trying to figure out how I was going to make that happen. They say nothing is a mistake and that there is a reason for everything we do and or say. For example, I spent some time working with young adults with disabilities. The goal was to teach about grooming and self- esteem, but it seems they taught me. I got far more out of the experience than anticipated. I draw inspiration from the moments I make doing for others.

I think that I take my life for granted. Truth: I have Lupus and it’s not going away. Truth: My family and I are currently without a permanent, home but it seems to have brought us closer together. Before the intrusion of lupus into my life I thought things were pretty great with parenting, homemaking, career and all those other things. Life was good. But complaints come with life. You can’t do too much in life without some bumps in the road. When we set out to design our lives, we can never assume that things will go as planned. In my design I would have never planned homelessness, but it happened and we are dealing with it

Every day I live with the “my life should have been different” thoughts. Sure things could have been different but I would not be the person I am today. Learning to adapt is one of those things that are built into our thought process at birth. When leaving the womb immediately we have to adapt to air, sounds and touch. When we meet our first friend, we have to adapt and so on. Adaptation is a necessary part of life.

With Lupus and Homelessness, the rules are the same. We had to adapt from the wholeness of health, to a lifestyle upheaval of mind, body and soul. Homelessness is different. There are labels that society has put on homelessness. Technically, though, we are not homeless. We are what is called a displaced family. We have a temporary roof over our heads and clean beds to sleep in. Whether its homeless or displaced there are things that make each of those separate. The ease of dependency when you are homeless comes in the form of outreach intakes. When you call Central Access Point there are people there trained to resource agencies on the behalf the homeless client. Then with displacement you are researching resources on your own and creating opportunity. This is where we live. We had to adapt to living out of a suitcase, and learning to make cooking and cleaning a simpler task. There are more things, but I don’t want to go into everything I do.

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Saturday dress picks from Pink Slate

Pink Slate

With the New Year come some new things at A World of Dresses. One of which is Dress Picks, a bi-monthly feature where we pick some of our favorite dresses from a different boutique. 

Pink Slate is our chosen boutique this week. We featured them on the blog for Small Business Saturday several weeks ago. You can read their story here. Their boutique is an online shop, so if you like any of these picks your location does not matter! Each photo links directly to, where you can get a better look at the details, pricing, sizes, etc. Here are our five favorites:

My favorite things

Pink Slate
Courtesy of

I love the bold pattern on this one. I tend to go for things that are vibrant and have color. I start with a fun dress and accessorize around it. This would be perfect to do so with. Also, the lace at the bottom is so unique. I also love finding dresses like this. It’s a great way to be sure that you’re wearing something no one else has.

This is a perfect dress for the cold. As we see here in the photo, a scarf and pair of boots goes well with it.

Garden Goddess

Pink Slate
courtesy of

My favorite part of this dress is the neckline. Keyhole necklines that sort of gather together are so elegant. This dress is perfect for a more formal event like a wedding or bridal shower, and also very appropriate for an evening out with friends.

Cruise on by

Pink Slate
courtesy of

This is one of those dresses you can wear a lot. It’s simple enough that you can match it with all sorts of colors and accessories. Yet at the same time, the lace along the neckline and top sleeve area makes it unique.

Mohave Magic

Pink Slate
courtesy of

Another bold print. I love the shoulder-less neckline. Just pair this with a pair of boots and you’re good to go!

Holiday Kisses

Pink Slate
courtesy of

Our last pick is a nice, simple black dress. This is one you could get many wears out of. Pair it with some boots or heels and it’s perfect for the office. Or pair it with some fun accessories and it’s perfect for an evening out with the girls. This dress is also available in red.

Those are my picks! Make sure you visit to see all of their wonderful clothing and accessories!

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Life with lupus: the holiday blues

Life with lupus is a weekly column written by Catherine Daniels, a good friend who also has the chronic disease of lupus. It is our hope that through this column, the world can gain a better understanding of life with lupus.


It’s really hard to stay in the moment when you feel so bad. There is no Christmas joy here. Don’t get me wrong I really appreciate my family and roof over our heads, but this is the first Christmas I just don’t feel it. The fact is that my body is extremely achy. There is no money for gifts, no visits and an extremely brief conversation with my father. I feel so bad that I could not be a better daughter, sister and aunt. Not of my own making but nonetheless upsetting.

“It’s really hard to stay in the moment when you feel so bad.” – Catherine on life with lupus.

I have a new fetish: watching video blogs. It’s like living vicariously through others. I don’t know if its strange or not, but I have a strange attraction to Aussies. I really love Australia. It’s so beautiful, just like the people. The Great Barrier Reef is just gorgeous. Watching videos is one thing that I do to take my mind off the hard things. I could wallow in that the holidays are hard. Or I could watch videos.

There are days when I can’t get out of bed, so I have to find things to do while lying down. I have succumbed to the fetish I call youtubeitist (yes I made that up. Don’t judge!!!). I was reading a blog of this 14-year-old girl in Brisbane Australia. I felt so bad for her. At her young age she had lost one her kidneys. She was so brave; I did not even know her but I felt connected to her. She was video blogging from bed and I was blogging from bed. Sort of like kindred souls connected through common ailments.

So I’m back on YouTube and I cannot stop watching a video blog of a couple. Their names are Jamie and Nikki. They are a really cute young couple. I cannot get enough of them. Maybe I envision my life being like theirs. I think I am drawn to happy couples and maybe I can even vibe their youthful karma. They are on my watch list. I’ve been watching them from their very sweet engagement thru their first pregnancy. They are so young and so together. I envision my Lamar with a wife and life like theirs. He however would be to different. But that’s mom talk!

At the end of the day, yes I have Lupus and yes we are without a permanent home. Most days I’m missing my little chubby (our doggy). Things are bad but not the worst. Life feels grim but there is grimmest. So I will look to a better day tomorrow. Thanks for checking out my blog post and I will see you next week.

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