When I first saw an ad for Gwynnie Bee, I’ll admit that I jumped in a little head over heels. The sidebar ad on one of the blogs I follow (and I’m afraid I cannot remember exactly which one) advertised a month of free clothing sent right to your door. This would excite practically any woman. Yet for me, it was particularly enticing as I blog about dresses. What a great and affordable way to add a few new dresses to the mix?
The plunge
I clicked on the ad that brought me directly to the page to sign up. What questions did I need to ask? Free clothing for a month … come on! What problem could I have with that? I go through the whole process and have an account. I’m ready to start looking through clothing.
The process looks simple. You just put clothing in your virtual Gwynnie Bee closet. Once you have at least six items, they can send you your first shipment. They never send you anything that’s not in your closet, so you’ll be sure to end up with something you’re likely to like. Great!
The realization
I’m a size six and a medium. I’m basically the middle of the road and always have been. As I began looking through the dresses, I found it odd that hardly any went below a size 10 or a large. I then realized that Gwynnie Bee is made for women size 10 and larger.
We live in a society that tells us that being a size 6 is the norm and every shop should meet our needs. While I had occasionally given thought to that before, I really gave it some thought in this moment.
“So Gwynnie Bee is focused on sizes 10-32? Great! Their stuff is adorable and I’m glad so many amazing women can enjoy what they offer,” I thought.
In my sheer excitement for free clothing, I over-looked this small factoid. I’m sure it was somewhere on that original ad, but it did not catch my eye.
And now we’re friends
I decided to keep my subscription with Gwynnie Bee. Upon searching, I found that a few brands carried mediums. Furthermore, sometimes a large or a size 10 runs small. In short, I never failed to have less than six items in my closet at a time. In fact, I currently have 16.

My subscription with Gwynnie Bee has given me a different perspective and for that I am so thankful. I spend so much of my life trying to understand experiences different than what I know. This is no different.
Once every few months I look through Gwynnie Bee’s new arrivals. I’ll see a cute dress, click on it and see that it does not come in my size. I then move onto the next thing I like and so on. For plus-sized women, this may be something they also experience. It really blows that we live in a world where not all women can shop at the stores they want. To be honest, though, I never really have to do much thinking on this. As a size 6 and a medium, I can almost always find clothing to fit, whether in brick and mortar stores or online.
As a blogger, I’m passionate about using my voice to change things. There are many things I do not like about the world we live in. Yet as a blogger, I get to be the media. So as the media, I would just like to thank Gwynnie Bee for:
- Being exactly who you are
- Running an awesome Instagram page
- Sending me amazing dresses
- Loving women for who they are
So in celebration of Gwynnie Bee, here are a few of the dresses Gwynnie Bee has sent me over the last few months:

Also linking up with:
Jersey Girl Texan Heart, Pleated Poppy, Pumps and Pushups, Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Sydney Fashion Hunter, Shopping My Closet, Elegance and Mommyhood, Doused in Pink, Curly Crafty Mom, Birth of a Fashion Blogger