Hi L’BAE Nation You Beautiful Blessed People of GOD! What a wonderful time it is between the weather changing and the freshness of a New Year still in the air. Many of us, although, may already be in the frame of mind for a much needed vacation! With the hustle and bustle of life and everything under the sun emerging all at once, what the excitement of the day usually brings can sometimes have more of an overwhelming effect, which may leave us all feeling gloomy! Yes Gloomy! Between work, kids, finances, relationships, you name it, there is something that will try to bog us down! We have to include self-care into our regimen as it is vital that we take care of our own well being in order to be at our best. We have to make those gloomy feelings go away by adding a spark of excitement to our life weather you choose to add a daily, weekly, or monthly spark, it’s up to you! What kind of spark you may be wondering. A spark is something that will brighten up your week with a feeling of expectancy of the joy to come, such as a date night with someone whose company you enjoy! What better way to relax and unwind from all that life throws our way than with the person whom you hold dear and close in your heart! It can be a best friend, a child, spouse or even a date with yourself for some much needed alone time. In my case this person is my husband! Yes my adoring beloved husband and it just so happens to be our 16th year wedding anniversary this coming Friday February 5th 2016! Happiness and excitement in the air as I plan for our beautiful and wonderful date night!

What to Wear?
Okay Ladies you may be wondering what does one wear on a date night? Whatever your little heart’s desire as long as it is chic and hot! How can you be Chic and Hot at the same time? Easy, keep your attire cute and classy (CAC)! Love It! In other words keep it Simple! There is no need to go all out and spend a fortune on an outfit as long as you can be chic. You can be fashionable with the clothes already in your closet. Remember that everyone has their own sense of style so, do not feel pressured or challenged by what you may see someone else wear as this is a time for relaxation not a pass or fail test on who wore it better! You can choose whether or not to wear a dress, jeans and a cute top, high heels or flats, as it is a personal choice for the occasion in which you have planned.
I chose to wear a colorful floral dress with hints of reds, gold and black with a pair of cream high-heeled suede boots and a black sweater to tie it all together. I chose this outfit because I knew that my husband and I were going to an elegant restaurant for dinner and then to hear some jazz afterwards. The outfit that I chose would serve its purpose for style, comfort and keeping my husband’s attention! I will be able to comfortably enjoy myself in a relaxing atmosphere and still look stunning while doing so!

Time Considered!
I know ladies that sometimes we can be pressed for time. We are never late, it’s just that the time seems to be moving faster when we have somewhere to be. I know… I get it! For those of us whose time seems to slip away and your date is making you feel guilty because you’re not quite ready yet, no worries! Here are some quick simple tips to get you out the door!
- Hygiene Ok Ladies this is a MUST! Let’s smell Amazing, and have our hair and nails polished!
- Check your face to make sure that your makeup application is still flawless, the L’BAE cosmetic line will not budge, or smudge as your face will stay as striking as when you first put it on!
- Outfit check! Make sure that all accessories match your attire. Do not forget earrings, bracelets, necklace, belt or anything that would offset your outfit!
- Know which pair of shoes you are going to wear, if they are not already on your feet! Then set them near the door.
- Last, grab your jacket, or coat and be on your way. Try these tips in a 30 minute timed session prior to your real date night, that way you will be an expert on the night of the date! Remember this is your Date Night a time to relax and unwind, so look Cute and Classy, and Have FUN! L’BAE ALL DAY… EVERY DAY!