Ultimate recipe for a colorful go-to dress

go-to colorful dress

Ah the go-to dress. We all have one … or six. It’s that dress that we worry we’ve washed too many times. We wonder when it’ll start falling apart at the seams. It’s just easy to wear it. It goes with everything. It’s appealing.

This here is one of my winter go-to’s. I bought it at Francescas and have not looked back. It’s made of a nice, sweater material. Pair that with some boots and it’s the perfect dress to wear in the winter time. My friend Hillary from hillarycutterphoto.com shot these at the Cincinnati Art Museum in the fall. This pink wall was absolutely perfect.

go-to colorful dress

I remember I initially wanted to try white tights with boots for this outfit. What do you do when you’re unsure of an outfit idea? Look it up on Pinterest, of course. By the way, are you following us on Pinterest? Click here if not.

I’m very pleased with how the white tights look. What do you think?

Recipe for a colorful go-to dress:

  1. It absolutely has to be comfortable.
  2. Make sure the colors suit you.
  3. Make sure you have ample amounts of accessories to match. Example: my red earrings and black belt.
  4. Stop and think before buying: would I for real wear this?

go-to colorful dress

go-to colorful dress

go-to colorful dress

go-to colorful dress

My linkups:


Jersey Girl Texan Heart, Shopping My Closet, Pumps and Pushups, The Pleated PoppySydney Fashion HunterThe Mummy Chronicles, Cappuccino and Fashion and Posh Classy Mom


Elegance and MommyhoodDoused in Pink, Curly Crafty Mom


Two Thirty-Five DesignsNancy’s Fashion Style, Jeans & a Teacup, Claire Justine, Rachel the Hat, A Poketful of Polka Dots, Forage Fashion, Fashion Should be Fun, Sincerely Paula

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