15 photos that will make you want to visit Analucia

visit Andalucia

If you travel to Spain, you have to visit Andalucia. It’s a must. When I see people talking about traveling to Spain, they always seem to list Madrid and Barcelona first. I get it. I mean if you only have a limited time in Europe, you just try to hit the largest cities. You think “well I can at least say I’ve been to Spain if I go to Barcelona.” And I’m not knocking either of these cities. I’ve been to both several times and they are quite enjoyable. However if you just stick to those two cities, you miss out on a lot of the charm and character of Spain.

Andalucia is the southern-most region of Spain. It’s also the largest autonomous community in the country. Flamenco dancing was born in Andalucia. Tapas are severed free with beverages in many restaurants. Things are cheaper and the weather is nicer.

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I woke up in a Guadix cave house

Guadix cave house

Did you know that some people in Andalucia, Spain live in caves? No, it’s not like the cave men of thousands of years ago. I mean people actually build their houses into the land like a cave. Several weekends ago, I spent a night in a Guadix cave house.

You can actually find houses like these on AirbnbThis one and this one look pretty cool. They are typically painted white inside. The idea is that they are super cold in the summer and super warm in the winter. My initial idea was to get a group of friends together and rent one of these. However when I was invited by friends who lived there, I thought “even better!” Chaz and Arielle are English teachers like me who got placed in the town of Guadix. They chose a cave house over a flat because why not? They were super gracious to invite us out there several weekends ago.

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