LuLaRoe shopping has been all the rage lately. I feel like I get invited to a new LuLaRoe party every week. And I must say that as someone who almost exclusively wears dresses, I love LuLaRoe. In fact not one but two LuLaRoe dresses came with me to Spain. However unless you happen to stumble upon a LuLaRoe booth at a fair, festival or event (which is more likely in the summer anyway) and find something you like, LuLaRoe shopping seems to exclusively be on Facebook. Unlike other companies, there’s not really a central website where you can shop. But not to fear! I’ve complied my 4 tips to ensure you some LuLaRoe shopping success.

1. Join LuLaRoe groups on Facebook
So first, let me explain to you how LuLaRoe shopping works. Independent consultants each have their own LuLaRoe business (think the Mary Kay or Pampered Chef of ridiculously cute dresses, skirts and leggings). Each one I’m sure has her own style of running her business, but I find the majority of them have Facebook groups. In these Facebook they’re always posting about new products, new parties where you can shop and fun discounts.
In order to shop you have to be online when their shop is “open” which usually means during a party. You have to comment on the photo(s) of the items you want. When the party is over, your lovely consultant sends you an online form to fill out with payment and shipping information, and then she e-mails you your invoice. Once that’s been processed she either ships you the item(s) or you can arrange to pick it up if you live closely. Each consultant works from her own inventory and most likely does this to keep control of everything.
Unlike other companies, I’ve found that LuLaRoe consultants are not at all offended if you shop with them and other consultants too. In fact both dresses I own came from two different consultants. So start by joining a Facebook group or two. Don’t know any LuLaRoe consultants? Luckily these ladies are all over social media. You will find hundreds of them on Instagram and Facebook. All of these ladies would gladly let you in because well … it is a business after all. I am a part of these three Lularoe groups: Shop LuLaRoe with Krista McClelland, LuLaRoe by Lauren Yinger and LuLaRoe Mandy Cavanaugh. I’m sure any and all of these ladies would love to have you as a part of their group!

2. Make note of days/times for parties and open shops for best LuLaRoe shopping
So I actually learned this one the hard way. I was super excited when I got invited to my first online LuLaRoe party several months back. I had discovered LuLaRoe while at an event last Spring. So I was excited and ready to shop. Unfortunately my busy schedule made me forget that I had a LuLaRoe party to attend. Fail.
Normally when a consultant is having an online party or open shop, she lets you know in advance so that you can plan. I’d suggest making an event on your calendar on your phone with a nice little reminder. Then either ensure that you are at home or in a place with working Internet. And if you make my mistake, just stay tuned for the next party. Just join a few groups and I’m sure there will be another one happening soon!
3. Develop a relationship with your consultant
When I bought my first LuLaRoe dress, the consultant didn’t actually list that particular dress at the party. I had already done a little LuLaRoe research of my own and knew I wanted the Amelia dress the most. I loved the material and the pockets. So I was a little bummed when my consultant Lauren Yinger didn’t list any Amelia dresses. So I decided to ask her if she had one. She did not but contacted some of her consultant friends and found me several Amelia dresses to pick from. That level of customer service really impressed me. This is said dress. I LOVE the cassette tapes.

These ladies want to help you be the most happy you can be with LuLaRoe. So if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask them!
4. Wear your LuLaRoe out!
So this is another cool story! Before I left for Spain, I had a job where I’d run a display table for two different companies at fairs and festivals. It was good weekend work and probably too much funnel cake. One day, I decided to wear this cassette tape dress to work. A woman walks up to me and silently hands me a little coupon. It said “spotted in LuLaRoe … you get $5 off” or something along those lines. This consultant apparently keeps those with her as she’s out and about, and hands them out to women wearing LuLaRoe. So you never know … you could get a sweet coupon if you wear your LuLaRoe out.
Have you done any LuLaRoe shopping? What has your experience been?

Photos were shot in Gatlinburg, Tennessee by my best friend. You can read all about our Gatlinburg adventures in these two blog posts here and here.
Also here are my fantastic blogger linkups!