As the weather begins to change up here in the midwest, I find myself grabbing for my boots and jacket more often. Soon the leaves will fully change and snow will be hitting the streets. I find that many women store their dresses away over the winter. I’ll admit, pantyhose is not warm for sure. Yet over the years, I’ve learned a few tricks that have allowed me to continue wearing my favorite dresses during the cold months. So I thought I’d share my tips (hacks) for surviving the cold while rocking your favorite dresses.
5. Boots

If I had to choose one and only one pair of shoes to wear with my wintertime dresses, it would be a pair of boots that go up to my knee. They make so much sense for the cold. First, you logically have a larger portion of your legs covered. Second, they are fantastic for trudging through snow. Third, no one can see what you wear on your feet inside of them, so why not a pair of warm, comfy socks. I wear all kinds of socks with my boots in the winter and they rarely match my outfit.
4. The maxi is your friend

In the last year, I’ve really come to love maxi dresses. When done right, they can look very becoming on a woman. Wearing a maxi dress during the winter is simple logic as well. More material will keep you warmer. Now I do not recommend a maxi dress worn without tights in the winter. You could do that, but you’d be freezing. This photo here was taken in Nicaragua. While the weather is quite warm there, this maxi is pretty amazing.
3. Sweater tights
Investing in several pairs of sweater tights is a fantastic winter investment. I have at least five pairs that I can think of, each in a different color. These are great on days that are cold but not too cold. As we transition from fall into winter, I find myself wearing a lot of sweater tights.
2. Yoga pants
I discovered this life hack last year. Since I wear boots a lot over the winter, yoga pants were so easy. In fact, people often didn’t even know that I was wearing yoga pants because I wear wearing boots and a dress over top of them. Yoga pants are great because they are longer than leggings, you can wear whatever socks you want with them and they are so very comfy. And if you’re going to yoga after work, you’re already wearing half of your outfit! Just kidding (but maybe not). Yoga pants are great for the early days of winter just as the cold is really setting in. I wear yoga pants with dresses so much that I bought another pair. Both have been put to good use!
1. For the real cold: sweater tights + yoga pants + boots
Last winter, I worked at an elementary school. Each morning my duty was to stand outside for 30 minutes and monitor the children as they got out of their parents’ cars. In the winter, it was brutal. Because I love wearing dresses so much, I knew there had to be another way. One day I decided to put my yoga pants over top of my sweater tights. It was genius! I had tried wearing two pairs of tights in the past. While that idea is also brilliant, I often found that the tights would bunch up around my toes. With the yoga pants + sweater tights tactic, no such thing could happen! You just put on a pair of boots and no one knows you’re wearing two layers!
Surviving the winter with your favorite dresses is easier than you think! Many stores have the three essential aids for wearing dress in the winter: sweater tights, yoga pants and boots! Good luck!