The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour

Beatles magical mystery tour

Everyone knows Liverpool, England as the home of the Beatles. So of course when I went, I had to experience all that I could. I only had one full day in Liverpool, so I wanted to make sure that I saw all the spots I could. Luckily they offer a Magical Mystery Tour that takes to all the hot spots for 20-something pounds. It was perfect.

The bus

It was a cold day, especially for April. Spring just arrives a lot later there. I had brought my leather jacket with me, which was honestly not enough. That’s one thing about Spain … Spanish weather is so much nicer than that of England. So needless to say, I was happy when it was time to board the bus.

Beatles magical mystery tour

Of course the bus would look exactly like this. Just perfect. I grabbed a seat in the back by a window so I could take lots of photos from the window. We stopped in some places to get out and just stopped for a few seconds to look from the bus window at others.

Penny Lane

I must admit that this is one of my favorite Beatles songs. So of course stopping here was one of my favorite stops. It’s an actual road in Liverpool. They actually went to school nearby. The song is all about the memories that the name Penny Lane brought back for John.

Beatles magical mystery tour

Beatles magical mystery tour

Shout-out to the nice couple from Boston who brought their own dry erase board. They let me use it for several of my photos.

The houses

It was really neat to see where they grew up and lived. One thing that really stood out to me was how humble and normal of a childhood they all had. They seemed to have lived a pretty solid middle-class lifestyle in an average British city. And then they became famous. It’s crazy.

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This was saved from my Instagram story. This is the Paul Mcartney family home, sitting at 20 Forthlin Rd. in Liverpool.

Beatles magical mystery tour Beatles magical mystery tour

This lovely pinkish-red house is the childhood home of George Harrison. Again, it’s just such a humble row-house. They all seemed to lead such normal childhoods.

We did have time to get out for John or Ringo’s homes. But we did stop the bus and they were pointed out to us.

Strawberry Fields Forever

This was a children’s home owned by the Salvation Army. John had fond memories of coming here with his mother and dancing to the band at a summer party they would always throw. Hence, he wrote a song about it.

Beatles magical mystery tour

Beatles magical mystery tour

The Cavern Club

The tour ended in the center of the city. Each person got a souvenir with their ticket if they went to the Cavern Club, the famous place where the Beatles played countless shows. It’s a neat venue in a basement. They always have a band playing because well, it’s famous. I went to enjoy a beer and just take in the ambiance.

Beatles magical mystery tour Beatles magical mystery tour Beatles magical mystery tour

Beatles magical mystery tour Beatles magical mystery tour

The tour

The tour is called the Magical Mystery Tour. It starts down by the waterfront. You can find out all the details here.

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