There’s no doubt that many things are different between the US and Europe. In addition to different languages (except for a few countries of course), different food and different customs, the spaces are quite different. Things are just bigger in the US. In Europe the buildings are older and there’s just less space in general. Plus I’ve noticed that people in Spain like to live near each other more. You see that everyone not only lives right in the cities, but also they choose to live in the center of towns and villages too. That, however, is a topic for another blog post.
I recently came across a company called MakeSpace and it prompted me to think about about my dream closet. After all, I really do love my closet space that I lucked into here in Spain. Is it my dream space? No. But we will get into that later. Also for those who are not aware, MakeSpace is a self-storage service that moves your unwanted stuff and stores it for you. They have several self-storage locations throughout the United States.
Before Spain
I remember the days before my big move to Spain. As we all know, this dress was sort of founded on the idea that I own over 60 dresses. Well, I currently don’t have 60 dresses with me in my closet (ask me in May, though … and I might have a different answer).
In the days leading up to the move, I made several piles. One pile was the “cannot live without,” one was “maybe” and the other was “definitely leave at home.” My dad has lots of storage space at the small business he owns (thank God), so boxing up a few things was no problem. I’d say my floors looked a little bit like this …

The funniest thing was that nothing from the maybe pile even fit in my suitcases. There were some almost tearful goodbyes. However at the end of the day, I’d always trade a few dresses to go live in Europe. I knew the experience would be invaluable.
Arrival in Spain
Upon arrival, I had to find an apartment. This, my friends, was the hardest thing I’ve done here in Spain. Not even speaking Spanish has been this hard. Everything that has happened since finding my piso has fallen into my lap. Isn’t life funny like that? It look me a week to find an apartment and almost no effort to fill my schedule with private English lessons, which doubles my monthly income. What? And looking back, I’ll take it! Who doesn’t love doubling their income?
When searching for an apartment, you have to make compromises. The fact is that in September in a European city with a university, everyone is looking at the same thing. It can feel competitive. These things were musts:
- Spanish roommates
- Convenient location
- Overall nice place
These things would have been nice but didn’t work out:
- Full size bed (yes I’m 29 and sleep in a twin-sized bed)
- Bigger room
- Not facing street (although my street is quiet)
- A bit more, smack dab in center
At the end of the day, you win some and loose some. I’m in a nice piso with nice people. I’m close to several grocery stores, one of my bank branches, lots of restaurants and several bus lines. Life is good.
My space
As you can see, my space is not huge. However it’s enough for me. Why do we need tons of space or stuff? Have any of you read about those tiny houses or watched the documentary Tiny? I find all of that so interesting!
The closet space in my room, though, is bomb diggity. I feel like I’ll always be able to make room in it. Here’s a little look into my amazingly big closet space:
The organization could be worse and it could be better. When I first arrived, I had to buy all sorts of things. I had to buy hangers of course plus that bin which holds kids games (all the classes I teach) and those plastic drawers. My duffle bag is a makeshift hamper.
A few more looks …
My dream closet
Obviously my closet space is not perfect. Let’s be honest, though … who’s is? However a girl can dream of what she would ideally like. Here are a few things I think wold be nice.
- Walk in space
- A mirror for all angles
- a shoe organizer
- a jewelry organizer
- A mini bar
Closet space US and Europe
I will say that my closet here in Spain really takes advantage of the space. I’ve noticed that built in storage in apartment spaces over here in common. In Europe, more people live in apartments than in the US. When you have a small space, you have to make the best use of it. Europeans do it well.
Do you need to de-clutter? MakeSpace made this awesome graphic to help you out!
If you’re in the United States in one of their locations, give MakeSpace a try. I’m sure you won’t regret the lack of clutter in your life.
What’s in your dream closet space?