My winter dress style and a linkup

winter dress style

Today I’m very excited to show you my winter dress style! Yes, I wear my dresses all through the winter. I love dresses as we all know and it would make me sad to have to stop wearing them when it got cold. So I thought in today’s post, I would do two things:

  • Show you a dress I wore in the summer/fall re-styled for winter
  • Show you a few hacks to stay warm (as ladies, I know this is likely the biggest reason you think you need to pack those dresses away as soon as the temperature starts dropping)

Also today I am excited to be co-hosting another linkup. These days I seem to be co-hosting a lot of them, right? Well linkups are one of the first ways I really met and connected with other bloggers. I have learned so much from all the other fashion bloggers I regularly link up with. And I must say, they are all so nice! So why not co-host? Today’s linkup is called Start the Week Stylish. It’s weekly hosts are Michelle’s Pa(i)ge and Northwest Blonde. The theme is “winter chic.” And if you’re a fashion blogger, feel free to go ahead and link up with us below! Join the party!

winter dress style

Do you recall this dress? I actually wore it in a post I wrote just when I had moved to Spain. I was exploring the city of Jaen with friends. You can read said post here. I had paired it with some sandals and my hair was a tad disheveled. I had pink shades but opted for more of a hot pink then. Oh and I was co-hosting a linkup that day too! How funny!

winter dress style winter dress style winter dress style


winter dress style

My big winter hack

So you probably think those are black tights, right? Nope! Those are actually leggings with a pair of tights on underneath. This is my biggest hack for wearing dresses in the winter. Fun fact: in the United States, I worked as a teacher’s aide at a Montessori school for two years. In my second year, I had the lovely duty of standing outside for 30 minutes and monitoring the drop off line. Warm or cold, rain or shine, it was my job to stand out there. So, I invented this lovely little trick!

We all love boots in the winter, right? So you basically but on a pair of tights and then leggings or yoga pants overtop. You’ll want to make sure to adjust the footing area so that they don’t get all bunched up. And you can also put some socks on over top, which I have done too. Then you complete this with a pair of boots and it just looks like you’re waring one layer!

winter dress style winter dress style

Other things

Of course there are other things I do during the winter. I have my fair share of lovely scarves. This one in particular is nice because it can be matched with many color schemes. I have my trusty jacket, and usually keep a set of gloves and a hat in my purse. My gloves have the special fingers where you can still use your phone. That may be my favorite thing about them!

winter dress style

winter dress style

And this was me post photo shoot … with my bag full of dresses, shoes, hair and makeup stuff.

Outfit details:



The linkup

This week we have A Blonde's Moment as our pick of the week from last week.

That's me!


With the start of a new week comes a new link up! We hope you start each week off in style & link up your favorite themed look with us.  This week's theme is WINTER CHIC.  We want to see your best look! Be sure to come back each week for a fun new theme to link up!  Next week's theme will be NEUTRALS.

1. Follow your hosts:
Michelle from Michelle's Pa(i)ge on Instagram  
Ana Luiza from Northwest Blonde on Instagram
CO HOST: Nina from A World of Dresses on Instagram

2. Link up to a specific post that fits into the weekly theme.  Be sure to link back to the link up on your own blog.

3. Visit some new blogs or some old familiars, say hello, & gain lots of style inspiration for the upcoming week!



If you are interested in co-hosting a link up with us, email

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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