Welcome again to our weekly series Women around the World. This is the second Canadian lady we are featuring in the series (the first being Maria from Short Girl Long Jacket). This time, however, we are on the opposite side of Canada. We are over on the Eastern side in the bustling city of Toronto.
Everyone, meet Annika. I got connected with Annika through a friend of mine who also lives in Toronto. She knew that we were both bloggers and figured that we should know each other. So via the internet, we were introduced. I absolutely loved her style and her Instagram feed in general, so I figured she would be perfect for this series.
Her blog is called Fernweh Society. It’s a lifestyle blog aimed at professional women. She writes about all sorts of topics from travel to career. It’s a true lifestyle blog. Since her blog niche is a tad different from what I write about, I was excited to feature her. So here goes …
Name, age, where you’re from and where you live now
Hi I am Annika Friesen, creator and founder of Fernweh Society. I am currently 27 however soon to be 28 on October 2nd! I currently live in Toronto, Canada and I was born in Saskatoon. I have had the opportunity to live in a variety of places from Bamako to Bangkok
When did you start your blog?
I ‘officially’ started blogging in April 2016! Feels like a long time ago, but looking back hasn’t actually been that long! I say ‘officially’ because I had a blog and a URL about a year before my official start date but didn’t really do much with it
Why did you start a blog?
Funny enough, I was studying for my GMAT in preparation for my MBA. I had thought for the longest time that I was destined to do my MBA. Finally, through much introspection and a bit of personal journey I decided that I was done with doing things because I felt like I SHOULD do them. I decided from there I would pursue things that would make me happy and because I really WANTED to do them. Thus the blog was born! You can read more on it here.
Is it mostly you who blogs on your site or do you have other writers?
I write everything on Fernweh Society. I have interviewed others, so of course it is more of a conversational back and forth but if it isn’t an interview its all me I have thought about creating an area where I can feature other writers as a way to broaden the scope of the blog, so that is something coming in the near future!
What sorts of topics do you mainly blog about?
Fernweh Society was created with a young professional woman in mind. We like to look good, feel good and have a killer career! With that said I touch on food, fashion, travel, health & wellness and career
What do you hope women get out of your blog?
I hope that when women come to Fernweh Society that they feel inspired to pursue their passions. I want women to feel like have taken something valuable away from each post on the blog. I truly feel that there is so much content to consume and if I am blessed to have readers on my site I want them to feel like they have learned a new tip, trick or got inspired in some way!
Where do you hope to take your blog?
The ultimate goal would be growth of course and be able to do this full time. A more holistic goal however, is that I hope to create a community of women where we support each other and share tools to foster each other’s development, whether that be a beauty regimen or a promotion at work!
How do you spend your days?
Of course, each day is wildly different. Every weekday I am up early to walk our puppy and do some writing before heading to my 9-5. Typically after that I might have some events and meetings and then home again to prepare the blog post for the next day! The days start early and end late >.<
How would you describe your personal style?
I like to think of it as classic chic with a bit of edge. As I do work in an office most days are pretty formal, however I do like to push the limits. Some of my favorite pieces are a well tailored blazer, high waisted skinny jeans and a good old white t-shirt!
I know next you want to start a subscription box service for panty hose. What made you decide to do that?
Ahhh you are sharing my secrets! Yes, the brand is called CLUB ACCENT and hopefully will be launching in the next year; very exciting! As a professional woman I seem to go through quite a few pairs of tights. Especially once the weather dips in the fall (I.E NOW!). I find it to be a drag when realize that I have run out or don’t have the ones that I want to go with my outfit! With the subscription you can get a variety of pantyhose boxes themed to business, fashion, compression for flying and maternity. The idea is to leverage the convenience of a subscription so that you never wake up to a drawer full of hosiery with runs!
What are your goals with this new business?
To scale it and grow it would be a dream! I would love to expand and eventually have manufacturing of my own and have custom designs for my subscribers! Ultimately, the goal is an impeccable product that women love and that makes them feel like a boss!
What advice do you have for women wanting to start their own projects whether it be blogging or a small business?
DO IT! Haha, simple advice right? I think I can speak on behalf of all bloggers and femmpreneurs out there that the hardest thing to do is to start. There will be ups and downs in the journey but adapting along the path is easier than getting the whole thing started! You will wish you started earlier!
What is your favorite thing about living in Toronto?
I would have to say the food due to the multicultural population of the city. At any point in time I can satisfy any craving whether I want traditional French food all the way to Asian hawker style snacks! I love the feeling that I can be transported like that and only a subway ride away!
Why should people visit Toronto?
Toronto is truly a gem I may be slightly biased but I definitely believe that this city has a lot to offer! Aside from the AH-MA-ZING food you have an urban jungle (i.e financial district), fashion district, luxe shopping and of course all of the cultural neighbourhoods! You literally cannot run out of things to do or see and PLUS Canadians are super nice, so the residents are the cherry on top!
What are some of your favorite things to do in your city?
I am a huge brunch fan! I personally love Bonjour Brioche for some French flair or Lavelle for its amazing view of the city! I also love strolling down by the lake. I find a stroll by the water and the marina is so calming
What are some lesser-known things to do or see in Toronto?
You must stop by a but of a secret called Scarborough Bluffs. This is a beautiful area just north east of the Toronto core that is absolutely breathtaking! It has cliffs overlooking the water and on some days looks almost tropical!
Go follow Annika!
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