The Striped Maxi Dress Perfect for Everything

I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve written a 100% fashion piece. My striped maxi dress might be just the right excuse. However when you live in Spain, even fashion posts have a hinge of a travel element to them when your backdrop consists of beautiful, historic buildings and cobblestone streets.

It was maybe a few months back and I wanted to add another maxi dress to the collection. Furthermore as a teacher, I was searching for something that I could wear to work. This striped blue and grey maxi from Pink Blush was just the dress I was looking for.

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A Weekend in León, Spain

weekend in León

When my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to spend a weekend in León with him for a friend’s sort of wedding celebration thing (said friend apparently hates suits), I said why not? The thing with living in Spain is even three years in, I still have unexplored cities and towns. The country is simply full of too many amazing places.

I’ll admit that before spending a weekend in León, I knew very little about the city. I knew that the name of the autonomous region Castilla y León came from the city and that it had an impressive cathedral. What I didn’t know is how much I’d end up loving the city.

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Murcia, Spain Weekend in my Red Dress

Murcia, Spain

Back in February, I took a long weekend trip to Murcia, Spain. In Spain, we have these things called puentes. A puente is a bridge. It also means when you have several days off of work or school that coincide with a weekend. I had one of these back in February, so I used it to go visit a friend.

Have you heard of Murcia, Spain? Unless you’ve spent some time in Spain, you probably haven’t. Before my long weekend in Murcia, I had heard a little bit about the region. I knew that it was in the southeast corner of Spain and that there were some good beaches in the region. It had been on my list for awhile, so when my friend moved there to teach this fall, I made plans to go visit her.

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The Cutest Hostel in Barcelona

cutest hostel in Barcelona

On my way to the airport to fly to sunny Malta, I decided to spend a night in the cutest hostel in Barcelona. After all, it was Semana Santa (Spring break). I had the time, so I figured I might as well go up a day early as to not feel as rushed.

One thing I love writing about is how to travel on a budget. I find that so many people think that travel has to be expensive. They think that any trip to Europe costs thousands of dollars or euros. However it doesn’t have to break the bank. That’s why I love writing about places like Primavera Hostel.

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A Quick Trip to Burgos, Spain

quick trip to Burgos

One of the things that I love about Spain is that I don’t have to travel far to experience something new. Burgos, Spain was a city that I hadn’t yet been to. After finding a good deal on a hotel room, I decided to make a quick trip to Burgos, Spain.

Where is Burgos?

If you haven’t spent much time in Spain, you might not have heard of this small yet charming city. It’s located in the Northern region of Castilla y Leon. By bus, it’s about an hour and a half from where I live.

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Exploring a Spanish Winery

exploring a Spanish winery

One of the best kept secrets of the North of Spain is the wine. Sure, the North doesn’t have the beautiful beaches and flamenco dancing of the South. However the quality wine more than makes up for it. Seeing as I now live in the North of Spain, exploring a Spanish winery was added to the bucket list for this year.

I’ll be honest and tell you that exploring a Spanish winery also wasn’t the first thing I did upon moving to La Rioja. When you live in a place, these sorts of things get pushed off for next weekend or the weekend after. However in December, we had a puente (Spanish word for when a bunch of holidays are squished together. Also the Spanish word for bridge) and my friend Sharifa used it as an opportunity to visit me. She’s teaching in Madrid this year and I think she wanted an escape from the big city. So my friend visiting was basically my excuse to finally book a visit to explore a Spanish winery.

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An Insider’s Guide to Málaga

Today we have a guest post written by Dani from Sincerely Spain. It’s about a city close to my old home of Granada and one definitely worth checking out!

As one of the few cities in Andalucía with an affordable, international airport, Málaga has come to be regarded by many as a coastal hotspot. However, I have to be honest with you—the first time I visited I wasn’t impressed. Perhaps calling Granada home jades you a bit because anything less than the breathtaking Alhambra feels a bit lackluster but I was also unlucky enough to visit on one of the only weekends of the year that it rained and was mostly constrained to indoor activities, so that didn’t help either. All that being said, I never intended to return to Málaga but through a series of unexpected events I ended up returning quite regularly.

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Pinchos on Calle Laurel, Logroño

pinchos on Calle Laurel

One thing is for sure about life in Spain: you never run out of food to eat. One thing that Spaniards are super proud is their food. This year, I get to experience the food in Spain in a different way. Part of that means eating pinchos on Calle Laurel.

This year is my first year living in La Rioja. Where is La Rioja? Well it’s a nice and small region up North. Up here, the tapas are called pinchos. Much like tapas down South, they are small plates of food that you eat with a drink. However they’re a bit different than the tapas I had in Granada. So I thought I would round up some of my favorite pinchos that I’ve tried in Logroño.

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Move to La Rioja, 8 Reasons why you should

move to La Rioja

Several months ago, I made a move to La Rioja. I no longer live in the Granada.

You’re probably saying to yourself “okay where in the heck is La Rioja?” If you know me personally, you’re probably saying “okay I think that’s in Spain because it sounds like Spanish and I know Nina lives in Spain. But beyond that, I have no idea.” And if it just so happens that you’re a wine nerd, then you might have heard the name La Rioja somewhere as you did that swirl and sniff thing. Either way, the majority of you probably have no idea where or what La Rioja is.

First of all, La Rioja is located in Spain. It’s one of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities (basically like states in Spain). It is the smallest region and it’s largest city has a population of only about 150,000 people. That city is called Logroño and much like La Rioja, I doubt you’ve ever heard of it either.

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How to Spend 48 Hours in Zaragoza, Spain

48 hours in Zaragoza

Several weekends ago, I escaped to the fifth largest city in Spain. Have you got any guesses as to what that city is? While Sevilla and Valencia are great guesses, they’re wrong. Zaragoza is the answer. Have you heard of Zaragoza? If not, you will soon see why spending 48 hours in Zaragoza is an absolute must.

Zaragoza, Spain is located in the North of Spain in the region of Aragón. It’s just a few hours from Barcelona. If you’re looking for another city to add to your Barcelona trip, look no further. Zaragoza is your answer! With it’s rich history and beautiful architecture, it’s not a city you want to miss!

Several weekends ago, I spent the weekend in the city of Zaragoza with my friend Anjie. We absolutely fell in love with the city.

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