Why Tourists Love National Day and Golden Week in China

golden week in China

Image Source: Chinese American Family

Since the year 2000, China has enjoyed a seven-day holiday period that includes three days paid holiday for Chinese workers and with weekend days thrown in, it adds up to a glorious seven-day long holiday. October 1st sees the celebrations begin with National Day, the founding of the People’s Republic of China and according to statistics, up to 700 million Chinese travel during this seven-day period.

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A Day Trip to Vitoria, Spain

day trip to Vitoria

Last weekend, I took a day trip to Vitoria, Spain. One of my favorite things about living in a new region is how many new places I have to explore! The lovely city of Vitoria is just an hour away from Logroño, making it the perfect day trip! So last Saturday, I got a group of friends together and we went!

Where is Vitoria?

Vitoria is the capital city of the Basque Country in the Northern part of Spain. The Basque Country is also famous for the cities of Bilbao and San Sebastian. It’s only about an hour drive from both cities, making a day trip to Vitoria the perfect thing if you’re already visiting the Basque Country. If you are unfamiliar with either of these cities, it’s about a 5-hour drive from Barcelona.

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Exploring Nájera, Spain this fall

exploring Nájera

I have spent the past month or so exploring Nájera, Spain. Have you heard of Nájera? If not, I’m not super surprised. Heck most people outside of Spain haven’t even heard of La Rioja, the region it’s located in. I would have never come to this town if it hadn’t been for a recent life change.

Those of you who read the blog regularly or follow me on social media know that I moved to Granada, Spain two years ago. You all probably also know that I love Granada. If you’ve been, you understand why. If not, you can probably tell from pictures why I love that city. However my teaching program only lets us live in the Andalucía region for two years. So I looked at that as an opportunity to move to a different region and see what Spanish life is like somewhere else.

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The Marraine Boutique pink dress

Marraine Boutique pink dress

I’ll admit that it’s been a while since I wore an elegant, feminine dress. You know … one that twirls and looks fabulous with a good pair of heels. However this Marraine Boutique pink dress did just the trick.

This was my last photo shoot in Granada for a while. Some of you may have seen on social media that I moved from the South of Spain to the North. It was fun to shoot some photos in some of my favorite spots around the city.

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3 Tricks to Spending Less on a Prom Dress

spending less on a prom dress

Image source: pixabay

While prom is one of the most anticipated events of your young life, it can also be stressful and challenging financially. The current range of costs for formal dresses can be as affordable as $30 to probably more than $1,000. But, don’t lose heart as you can still wear a stunning formal gown without breaking the bank.

Here are a few tricks that will help save some cash when buying a prom dress:

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The Ultimate ESL Teacher Resource Guide

esl teacher resource guide

Welcome to the ultimate ESL teacher resource guide. Just a few years ago, I had just arrived in Granada, Spain. Those of us who work as language assistants often make extra money by teaching private classes in the afternoons (clases particulares). I remember thinking “but how do I teach private classes? Like how do I create lesson plans?”

The other day, I was texting with a friend of mine who is going into her second year in Spain and first in Granada. I gave her some of my old private lessons as I am not in Granada this year. Through our conversation, I was giving her ideas of what to do with the kids. Things like activity ideas, my favorite youtube channels and websites where you can find materials. She joked that I was her auxiliar guru. I responded “hahaha maybe I should make a blog post with all my resources.” “I would bookmark the sh*t out of that!” she responded. So that sparked an idea.

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Traveling Sober: 10 Tips for a Great Vacation

When you are sober, the thought of taking a vacation may make you nervous. For many, travel is associated with relaxing and having a good time with a drink in hand. With these ten tips, you can have a wonderful vacation while continuing your sobriety journey.

1. Find Meetings Ahead of Time

As part of your travel arrangements, locate the closest support meetings to your destination. Be sure to put a file on your phone with times and directions. Plan to attend a couple, and you will have the information for the rest of them just in case you need to go.

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4 spots with the biggest tapas in Granada

biggest tapas in Granada

Finding the biggest tapas in Granada is not something done with the snap of your fingers. Granada, Spain is known for serving free tapas with a beverage. It’s super exciting to go out to eat in Granada because you can literally just fill up on tapas. However not all tapas are created equal. In my two years living in Granada, I found a few spots where you can find the biggest tapas in Granada.

The tapa you get served at these places is the size of one meal plate. It’s amazing because you can eat an entire meal for around 5 euros. Here are four places where I got the biggest bang for my buck (or I should say euro).

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My book about tips for learning Spanish as an adult

tips for learning Spanish as an adult

I have some very exciting news to share with you all! As many of you know, I’m full of tips for learning Spanish as an adult. I never thought it was possible, but in just a few years I went from nothing to basically fluent. There are days here in Spain where I still shock myself. So I complied all of my tips for learning Spanish as an adult into a book!

So I decided to write down all of my stories and things I’ve found to work for myself and others, and turn it into a book! As both an English teacher and an expat living in Spain, I see so many adults struggle to learn languages as an adult. So I figured perhaps I could help people with tips for learning Spanish as an adult or learning any other language!

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5 Beach Day Trips from Granada

beach day trips from Granada

One of the things I loved about living in Granada was how close I was to the beach. A day trip to the beach was such an easy thing to do. You simply pack a bag with a towel, sunblock, food and water, and catch a bus or Blablacar to one of several picturesque beach towns. There are so many beach day trips from Granada options out there!

If you’re visiting Granada for a few days, a beach trip is a great way to see a different side of Spain. If you’re visiting Granada during the summer months, you’ll want to escape the heat at least one day during your visit! Here are five beaches that are an easy day trip from Granada.

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