My book about tips for learning Spanish as an adult

tips for learning Spanish as an adult

I have some very exciting news to share with you all! As many of you know, I’m full of tips for learning Spanish as an adult. I never thought it was possible, but in just a few years I went from nothing to basically fluent. There are days here in Spain where I still shock myself. So I complied all of my tips for learning Spanish as an adult into a book!

So I decided to write down all of my stories and things I’ve found to work for myself and others, and turn it into a book! As both an English teacher and an expat living in Spain, I see so many adults struggle to learn languages as an adult. So I figured perhaps I could help people with tips for learning Spanish as an adult or learning any other language!

Tips for learning Spanish as an adult

I don’t want to give away too much of the good stuff. However, I wanted to offer you a few excerpts that might give you some help if you’re struggling:

On the importance of immersion:

“You just have to put yourself in spaces where you interact with locals more than foreigners. If there’s a shared interest, you are bound to make friends.

I knew that if I wanted to get the most out of my time in Spain, I needed to set my life up to where I was speaking Spanish daily. I’m so glad I did because it has pushed my Spanish to a level I could have never imagined.”

On accents in a foreign language:

“As our world is becoming more global, we will hear more foreign accents. As long as you can understand the person, there’s really no need to comment on it. And if you’re learning a language as an adult, you likely have an accent. It’s okay! Embrace it and keep on being awesome!”

On the importance of finding positive environments:

“A positive learning environment is the second most important thing. Many of us haven’t started our language-learning off in a positive environment. We might have had a very negative teacher. We might have only ever learned the language in a boring classroom. Or someone might have said some very negative things to us in our learning journey. A negative environment or experience doesn’t make us want to try at all.”

I haven’t always had a positive learning environment. You can read all about that here.

On listening:

“I always say there’s never such a thing as too much listening. The more you can listen to native speakers, the better your language skills will be. With the Internet, you can find videos in practically every language. You can find ones with different accents and with people speaking at different speeds. On youtube, you can even turn down the speed of a video. I use that feature a lot for my students.”

Where to find all these tips for learning Spanish as an adult (or any other language)

The book is available on Amazon in the United States and Europe! It’s available in both paperback and kindle! Go get your copy today!

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tips for learning spanish as an adult

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