Best Duomo view in Milan, Italy

best duomo view

One of my favorite things about traveling are the spots you find. Some spots provide you with the best view. In Milan, there is one spot that you absolutely must have a drink in. That’s Terraza Aperol. From here, you can get the best Duomo view in the city.

Several weeks ago, I met up with my friend Alex from East Coast Contessa in Milan for a weekend. She recently moved to Prague and I lived in Spain. We searched for where we could find the cheapest airfare, and ended up finding some good deals to Milan. So we figured “why not?”

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4 Tips for Finding Cheap US Travel

Tips for Finding Cheap US Travel

In less than a month, I will be home in the United States for a few weeks. In general, travel within the United States can be a bit of a pain in the neck. The distances are large and if you no longer have a car like me, it can be difficult to get around. Luckily, I have some tips for finding cheap US travel. This break, I’m visiting Chicago, Nashville, Atlanta, Charleston and Cincinnati for under $300. The fact is, US travel doesn’t have to be as expensive as we think.

Over the years, I’ve accumulated some practices I put in place for when I’m booking transportation. Here are some of my favorite tips for finding cheap US travel.

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Pinchos on Calle Laurel, Logroño

pinchos on Calle Laurel

One thing is for sure about life in Spain: you never run out of food to eat. One thing that Spaniards are super proud is their food. This year, I get to experience the food in Spain in a different way. Part of that means eating pinchos on Calle Laurel.

This year is my first year living in La Rioja. Where is La Rioja? Well it’s a nice and small region up North. Up here, the tapas are called pinchos. Much like tapas down South, they are small plates of food that you eat with a drink. However they’re a bit different than the tapas I had in Granada. So I thought I would round up some of my favorite pinchos that I’ve tried in Logroño.

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Enjoying A Weekend In Yekaterinburg

Weekend In Yekaterinburg

Image Source: Pixabay

If you are planning a trip to Russia and looking for inspirational places to visit, then Yekaterinburg could be the place for which you are seeking. When planning a visit to this vast country, you should do a research and check out websites giving you information on visas, travel, places to stay and visit. Yekaterinburg is a beautiful city with lots of things to see and do, so here are some of the highlights which will make for a fun-packed weekend in this iconic Russian city.

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Move to La Rioja, 8 Reasons why you should

move to La Rioja

Several months ago, I made a move to La Rioja. I no longer live in the Granada.

You’re probably saying to yourself “okay where in the heck is La Rioja?” If you know me personally, you’re probably saying “okay I think that’s in Spain because it sounds like Spanish and I know Nina lives in Spain. But beyond that, I have no idea.” And if it just so happens that you’re a wine nerd, then you might have heard the name La Rioja somewhere as you did that swirl and sniff thing. Either way, the majority of you probably have no idea where or what La Rioja is.

First of all, La Rioja is located in Spain. It’s one of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities (basically like states in Spain). It is the smallest region and it’s largest city has a population of only about 150,000 people. That city is called Logroño and much like La Rioja, I doubt you’ve ever heard of it either.

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5 Best Language Learning Apps

best language learning apps

One big part of my life overseas in Spain is speaking Spanish. My move here would not be the same (and significantly a lot more difficult) if I hadn’t learned the language. To many people, the idea of learning a foreign language seems so daunting and complex. People often say “oh I wish I could, but I don’t have the time or money.”

However this is also 2018. It amazes me all the things that we can do from the comfort of our own homes these days. All we need is a computer or smart phone, and an internet connection. There are many apps that you can use to learn and practice languages, and they’re free!

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How to Spend 48 Hours in Zaragoza, Spain

48 hours in Zaragoza

Several weekends ago, I escaped to the fifth largest city in Spain. Have you got any guesses as to what that city is? While Sevilla and Valencia are great guesses, they’re wrong. Zaragoza is the answer. Have you heard of Zaragoza? If not, you will soon see why spending 48 hours in Zaragoza is an absolute must.

Zaragoza, Spain is located in the North of Spain in the region of Aragón. It’s just a few hours from Barcelona. If you’re looking for another city to add to your Barcelona trip, look no further. Zaragoza is your answer! With it’s rich history and beautiful architecture, it’s not a city you want to miss!

Several weekends ago, I spent the weekend in the city of Zaragoza with my friend Anjie. We absolutely fell in love with the city.

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A Weekend in the best Zaragoza Hostel

best Zaragoza hostel

As far as hostel experiences go (and I have had many hostel experiences over the past several years), we ended up in the best Zaragoza hostel last weekend. Zaragoza in October is cold, but the hostel was a nice, comfortable place out of the elements. A place to catch up on some rest and connect with other travelers.

Last weekend, I traveled to Zaragoza, Spain for a few nights with my friend Anjie. Since both of us work as teachers, we attempt to travel on a budget. This often means staying in hostels. When looking at the different options in Zaragoza, Albergue Zaragoza Hostel jumped out at me. It’s located in a historic building and houses a jazz club in the basement. Furthermore, it’s location is right in the middle of the city. It seemed to be the best Zaragoza hostel for what we needed that weekend.

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Key Canadian Events and Festivals

Canadian festivals

Canada is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world, given that it is the second largest country in the world in terms of landmass and this guarantees a superfluity of a lot of attractions. Besides, the sheer size of the country and the fact that it is an immigrant’s heaven guarantees the presence of a lot of events and festivals enjoyed by both Canadians, as well as visitors for all walks of life.

If you after a mad fun and you like being part of some of the top events in the world, then you should make Canada one top destination this year. Get your visa ready or go for the Canada ETA (if you are from the countries classified and visa-exempt by the Canadian government), because there are lots of events and festivals waiting for you in Canada. Here is a look at some of the key Canadian event and festivals you should strive to attend.

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7 Companies With Online Teaching Jobs

online teaching jobs

Online teaching jobs are the wave of the future. One of the ways I earn money each week is by teaching English. However the job doesn’t involve printing anything or going anywhere. Instead I simply log onto a website on my computer and teach classes over video calls. I love that it’s comfortable and that I can do it from anywhere.

I have been teaching English online for about a year and a half. It took me a bit to find the company that was right for me. The truth is, there are lots of companies with online teaching jobs. Each one is a little bit different than the other. I decided that instead of writing this entire post myself, I would interview people who work with different companies that offer online teaching jobs. Best of luck in finding that perfect online teaching job!

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